April 21, 2018

Procrastination or Inspiration?

Tommorow morning a group of seven delightful, little girls will descend on our house for the day to celebrate our dear daughter’s ninth birthday. I should be sleeping and getting mentally prepared…for all those voices! 😆 But, I’m doing my “wait until the late night inspiration hits you routine”. It’s an important part of every event I host. I used to call this “procrastination”. But because I am commited to living a life of joy and positivity…no longer!


Procrastination has such an ugly tone about it and what happens in these cases really isn’t all bad. I will admit, there are several stages to the process – and they aren’t all rainbows and unicorns…but come morning and two cups of coffee…the magic will be there! Just do not open the closets. Any of them.


Stage One: Flitter about your day remarking how you really hardly have anything to do for this party! It’s inconceivable how prepared you actually are!

Stage Two: Make a mess in your kitchen while making dinner that is somehow larger than normal. And shrug your shoulders and say, “meh, I mean that’s basically all there is left to do.”

Stage Three: Enjoy your family and continue pretending you don’t have six hours of cleaning to do.

Stage Four: Tell your kids it’s bedtime and as the words “brush your teeth” come out of your mouth…the sudden weight of reality comes crashing down on you all at once and things spiral downhill quickly! Suddenly your kids are slower than ever and you are turning into a panicky grouch. Tossing half of the bedtime book stack on the ground like a crazed lunatic, “I can’t read this many!! I have so much to do!” Shout at your husband to make you coffee, because you realize that you are suddenly exhausted!

Stage Five: Wait for the coffee to set in while you blog about how much you have to do and make peace with the fact that you are indeed about to begin the worst stage of all…the actually doing it stage.

Stage Six: Coffee kicks in (or maybe it doesn’t) and you get up and do it all no matter how late it is. Because, even if you aren’t very good at it…you really are an adult.

Stage Seven: You fall asleep feeling like you are a rockstar! Mainly, because you’re so tired you feel like you’ve done some illicit drugs…but also, you got that crap done and still have an hour to sleep before the party starts! And that’s how rockstars roll!


Party On, Rockstars!!