May 16, 2018

A Mother’s Garden

Yesterday, we walked among the most beautiful gardens. Hundreds of flowers and each one so spectacular! I do not have a green thumb, and though I am completely fascinated with flowers…it is simply not a skill I have! My mother and all the women on my husband’s side of the family are amazing with flowers and plants! I often wished I had a knack for it, and always imagined that one day I would take the time to really invest myself in learning more and trying harder. I even planned that this summer would be the year I do that! But as the list of things to do this summer break piles up, I doubt this summer I get much farther than I ever do. Maybe one day I will learn more and have some beautiful garden to meander…but time is not endless…and right now, my time is full!

As I clicked pictures of these beauties throughout the day, I kept feeling this nagging at myself that I needed to get home and make my yard look like this…I mean, it couldn’t be that hard, could it? And then I realized…my increasing, internal, irritation at my shortcomings were starting to take away from the joy that these flowers had been bringing me at the beginning of the day! I walked past a gardener working quietly and diligently on her art. She looked so beautiful, in her sun hat, her dirty hands looked weathered as she tenderly placed flowers in the perfect spot – she glowed in the light of her work! My agitation waned a bit and was replaced with a true gratitude for her gifts. I was reminded that her gifts don’t have to be mine…and that if I had those same gifts would I be so enamored with her art? My lack of abilities to keep a plant alive makes her ability to make them thrive that much more magical!

A giggle interrupted my thoughts and I looked ahead of me and saw the gifts of this time of life for me. A sweet girl, who had spent her day happily helping a three year old boy navigate a pretty overwhelming day for a little guy! An energetic boy, who was wondering at every animal he saw, skipping through the paths and graciously remembering that we had a guest today and he should let him choose the direction we took. These are my flowers…just as delicate, just as hungry for my daily and consistent watering, just as in need for sunshine…MY sunshine!

I may not be a gardener…in fact, I may not be skilled in many areas, really. But my gifts are tangible, too. A mother’s sacrifices are made wholly worthwhile in the light of her children’s grace and joyfulness. My little flowers may not be perfect, but then again, even a master gardener will lose a plant or two! The art of motherhood is not different than the art of gardening…it is dirty, hard work, that requires consistency, tenderness, and lots of attention. And just like that beautiful gardener…a mother who is truly giving all her diligence to her art of motherhood – she will glow amongst the beauty of her growing flowers. It is worth it Mama’s…the exhausting times when our children are just budding will only last for a spring…be steadfast, soon they will be blooming brilliantly! And after that…then we can all learn to garden!