May 16, 2018

A Mother’s Garden

Yesterday, we walked among the most beautiful gardens. Hundreds of flowers and each one so spectacular! I do not have a green thumb, and though I am completely fascinated with flowers…it is simply not a skill I have! My mother and all the women on my husband’s side of the family are amazing with flowers and plants! I often wished I had a knack for it, and always imagined that one day I would take the time to really invest myself in learning more and trying harder. I even planned that this summer would be the year I do that! But as the list of things to do this summer…

April 25, 2018

The Gift of Receiving

Good Morning!   This is your friendly reminder that you don’t need to be great at everything! No, really…you don’t! In this Pinterest world we live in, it can sometimes feel like if someone else can do it…than so can I! In so many cases that might be true…but do you even want to do it? If you want to do it…try something new and take it on! But sometimes I think we are just trying to prove something. It’s almost as if there is some kind of shame in not possessing every skill that our friends have!   My six year old son, Ryker, gets frustrated when he can’t…