February 6, 2020

Snow Day

Doing chores in the snow is one of those things that you dread…until you do it. The house is warm and layering up to head out seems like a much bigger task than it really is. But, there are creatures relying on you to not be lazy, so the coffee cup gets set aside for a bucket of feed.

The crunch of snow underfoot is so satisfying. A noise that would, otherwise, barely be noticed…but snow has a way of quieting everything else and drawing your senses to only itself. The sun dances on the white blanket…it casts a teasing sparkle…a reminder that this pure, white, magic may be fleeting…but melting is not sorrow…there is beauty of another kind lying wait under the frozen soil.

Nearing the chicken coop, I hear the soft chatter of the girls…no doubt enjoying their warm straw, but heartily ready for a juicy, springtime, worm. The sound of them safe and warm instantly fills the little corners of my heart. If you’ve ever loved your chickens, you understand.

The cows and horse are watching me closely, hoping I’ve brought them a treat or a scratch behind the ear. The little one kicks up some snow dust, and shows off his moves. And the Mama impatiently bawls, breaking the silence with her demands. I don’t mind, because I love how they all line up to see me.

A wet nose pushes into my hand and look down to see the kids are heading out and have let out our furry sidekicks. Gus, as always, comes right to my side…and Ivey…immediately digs through the snow to find her bone stash. Soon there will be a dizzying game of chase between them, and it’s so intensely happy…you just have to stop and watch.

Inspired by the sunshine, the kids are soon hard at work and deep into the world of imagination, that so often follows. A flurry of ideas and excitement starts turning into temporary art, but the memories won’t melt tomorrow.

The aftermath, will be boot puddles, wet gloves tossed on the table, and a pile of icy clothes left to dry. But, there will also be a soul freshly reminded of privilege and joy…and that springtime is both a season on the calendar and most importantly, one you hold in your heart.