June 21, 2018

A Long Time Coming: Bell Birth- Part Two

WARNING: This post will contain graphic photographs. If you are uncomfortable with raw, birth photography…this post isn’t for you! 


Okay, for those of you so patiently waiting for part two…



That night around 9pm things started to get more intense and really from that point on Jessica was laboring heavily.


Around midnight they called the midwife, Maria, and her apprentice, Meg, to come. They arrived and set up everything they needed. Important note here: Jessica had woken up at 4am Thursday morning and had not slept a wink since then! So, our original excitement that she would get to deliver the baby after a good nights sleep…was certainly gone by this point! I was worried about how tired she must be, but still thought this baby would be arriving soon!


At some point in the early hours of the morning, Alana and I went and napped in the living room. I believe it was at 4am Eric came and woke us up and said, “this is it!” He woke up the kids. Rowan who had gone to bed early in the night was ready to go and so excited. Amelie, who had stayed up later took awhile to get on board with being woken up! Eventually, she started to wake up and sat with Rowan waiting patiently for their new sibling to arrive! It was, in fact…not “it”…it would be another almost 5 hours until the baby came!



Jessica was in such extreme pain at this point. She was most comfortable on her hands and knees and truly I do not know how she was holding herself up at this point! She had hit the 24 hour mark of being awake and I can’t imagine the exhaustion she was feeling! Throughout the long labor, her midwife monitored the baby’s heart and baby was doing perfect the whole time. Her heartbeat was consistent and strong and she wasn’t in any distress. I was so thankful that despite Jessica’s pain, nothing was wrong! As time went on and the pain got worse, Jessica got louder, of course. At some point during that, 5 year old Amelie, decided it was too loud for her and went and played in their playroom. Rowan was in it for the long haul though!

Jessica was so well cared for.
Maria checking the heartbeat.
So much love was in this house to welcome this precious new life
Maria was checking Jessica here to see what progress she had made. Unfortunately, it wasn’t near as much as we all hoped!

Now, not to detract from my sister’s extreme pain here…but my exhaustion (and everyone else’s was pretty extreme at this point, too). Also, when things started getting so much more intense for Jessica, my empathy pain started to kick in hard. Suddenly, I felt myself go weak and I knew I was about to go down. I made my way out of the room and was trying to deep breath and pull myself together. I was so worried I was gonna pass out and not get the pictures Jessica wanted! Had I only known I could have passed out 10 times and I still could have been up in time for the baby’s arrival! Haha! I tried to eat some food thinking it was just a blood sugar thing, but when I went back into the room with Jess, I would pretty much feel like I was gonna faint every time she had a contraction. Watching someone you love in pain, is not my thing. Of course, I will do it…but my stomach sure doesn’t handle it well! Haha! I kept thinking how horrible I felt and then I would feel worse thinking how exhausted Jessica must be! I would have been in tears the whole time, except that I knew how rewarding this whole experience would be when it was all over. Despite the pain, my children’s births are my most precious memories and I knew this pain would soon be a beautiful memory for her.

After hours and hours of excruciating pain, (that she managed like a champ) Jessica delivered Izzy Aylene Bell into her Daddy’s hands at 8:50am on Friday morning! She was perfect and healthy and beautiful!

I have never been more happy for a person than I was for Jessica at that moment! I took hundreds of pictures and obviously many that are far too personal to share. But these are a few of my favorite that really capture the very real and raw pain and love that comes with bringing a child into the world.

After Izzy arrived, everything is a bit of a blur to me. Rowan cut the cord, Maria and Meg were busy as can be checking the baby over and documenting all her stats, drawing blood from the placenta to be sent to the lab, making her placenta and berry smoothie (which I hear was delicious), preparing an herb bath for Jessica and baby. It was a busy and happy morning, despite all the exhaustion!


It was an honor and privilege to share this time with them. Truly, the entire experience was amazing and beautiful, despite it’s length. Especially because it was so long, I was very thankful for Jessica that she was able to labor all that time in her own home and with her own comforts surrounding her. She had an amazing and knowledgeable support team that were constantly by her side. If baby or mother had ever been in any distress, it would have been noticed and handled immediately. Birthsong Midwifery was impressive to say the least! Sidenote: Jess, your birthing playlist was not nearly long enough…and I was hearing those songs on repeat in my head for two days! Haha!

Welcome to the world, Izzy Aylene! You are loved and treasured by many!